Be Part of the Conversation

The Midland Conversation Group

The Midlands Conversation Group is a forum for adults with intellectual disability from midland counties that meets locally in Tullamore every month. Group members work together to build confidence in speaking in a group and in advocacy and leadership roles.

Be Part of the Research

19 Stories of Social Inclusion – Project Research Team

The “19 Stories” Research Project 2019 gave people the opportunity to hear the stories of people with an intellectual disability and know that it is possible for people with disabilities to live ordinary lives in the community. 19 people took part in the research – 9 men and 10 women – from cities, towns, and villages all over Ireland. All identify as having an intellectual disability. A team of three researchers, two with intellectual disabilities, carried out the interviews. Participants chose to tell their stories by video or through images and words.

Other recent research opportunities include –


  • The Implications of COVID-19 on the Education of Children with Intellectual disabilities and Autism. May 2020 Download the document here
  • Education, Behaviour and Exclusion: The experience and impact of short school days on children with disabilities and their families in the Republic of Ireland​. September 2019 Download the document here
  • Shining a light on seclusion and restraint in schools in Ireland: The experience of children with disabilities and their families. September 2018 Download the document here

Work on a Project


The Public Sector Duty Project 2018- 2019

  • Inclusion Ireland got funding from the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission for a project on the Public Sector Duty.
  • A steering committee of 6 people with intellectual disabilities was picked for the project. This committee helped plan and carry out the project.
  • The project produced two booklets, a guide called What is the Public Sector Duty? and a checklist called Checking a Public Service for Accessibility and lots of videos that explain how you can use the Public Sector Duty.

Making Equality and Rights Real Project 2017


  • In 2017, Inclusion Ireland completed a year-long project funded by the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission that developed a toolkit for setting up equality and rights committees in disability services.
  • The project was directed by a Steering Committee made up of 7 people with lived experience of intellectual disability. This Steering Committee was central to all aspects of the project.
  • The project involved people with intellectual disabilities being trained to deliver equality and rights training to their peers and professionals in disability services. This training was piloted at three events in Dublin, Cork, and Sligo. The project also involved bringing over 150 people together at two separate national learning and sharing events. These events – and the project in general – brought people together to talk of what equality and rights mean to them, share their experiences, and discuss ways to promote equality and human rights in services and communities around the country.

Share your Understanding

Be part of consultation and focus groups

Our Connect Family Network organises information meetings and focus groups with family members and carers throughout the year, for example:

2019 HSE Review of Residential Supports – Family Member Focus Group

Last year the HSE Location Review Group wanted to know more about the housing and support needs of people with significant and complex needs. Our Connect Family Network organised a focus group. Family members shared their experience of residential supports for family members with complex support needs.