Self -Advocacy Groups in Ireland

There are many self- advocacy groups and working around the country.The group listed below are happy to talk about their advocacy work and share their experience. please contact us with information about your self- advocacy group or work that you would like to share.

Adult Services Committee CRC.

Contact: Alison King
Phone: 01-8542215

Inclusion Ireland Self Advocacy Committee

Contact: Sarah Jane Lavin and David Fraughan
Phone: 01-8542215

The Self-advocacy Committee has 3 board members of Inclusion Ireland on it and meets once a month. They are a very active issues-based advocacy group.

The National Platform of Self Advocates


The National Platform of Self Advocates is an independent organisation run by people with intellectual disabilities for people with intellectual disabilities. The Platform aims to be the nationally recognised spokes organisation on policy and issues affecting the lives of people with intellectual disabilities.