CCUV, Erasmus+ Project

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or OeAD-GmbH. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

CCUV is an Erasmus+ project. It is the first time Inclusion Ireland
has been involved in an Erasmus+ project. CCUV stands for: “Capito! Compris! Understood! Verstanden!” These words mean “understood” in different languages.

We work with organisations and universities from different countries: Austria, France, Italy and Switzerland.

The project aims to develop common standards to translate language into three different levels of difficulty: B1 for plain language, A2 for easy-to-read language and A1 for the easiest level.


Language Levels

A1 Level

A2 Level

B1 Level

Easiest to read
Higher communication support needed.
This is the level that we generally
work to for our Easy-to-Read content.
Plain language.

Easy-to-Read Guidelines

Find out how to produce easy to understand and accessible information! You will also discover the topics that deserve particular attention in each language. At the end, there are answers to 5 frequently asked questions!

A guide on how to make an Easy-to-read document

Inclusion Ireland’s Paul Alford and Guillaume Jacquinot have done a webinar about the Erasmus+ Project. Here are the Webinar PowerPoint slides



The training modules below form part of a course to train future professionals working on easy to read. Each module is composed of instructions and tools that will support the organisation of course. Following the course, attendees will be able to produce easy to read, make digital document more accessible, organise proofreading sessions with self-advocates and gain more insight into accessible video and easy language.


This curriculum provides the foundations for a course made for future Easy-to-read (ETR) training instructors. It can be used by organisations to train individuals with Easy-to-read needs. Following the course, participants can collaborate with other instructors (most often, individuals without ETR needs) as “co-trainers” to teach future Easy-to-Read translators.


There are also podcasts that explore easy to read across Austria, France, Ireland and Italy. You can listen to them here



We are always trying to improve at Inclusion Ireland.If you have any feedback the Erasmus+ Project. Please submit it below.