Video: Post-school Options For Young People with an Intellectual Disability
Alison Doyle from Caerus Education presents an overview on post school options in Ireland.
In this presentation Alison Doyle of Caerus Education gives an overview of the many aspects of planning that a young person and/or their family members may wish to consider. Valuable tools for questioning and discovery are explored in this hour-long presentation. It is advised that planning begin as early as possible to give time for discovery and planning.
The 2021 -22 Post-school Planning Directory, listing resources and services available in Ireland, is provided below. Click on each organisation logo to be taken to the website of the organisation, for more information on each of the supports listed.
Download Presentation pdfFuture Planning 2021/22 - Post-school Planning Directory
What does the organisation do?
Provides online resources relating to the transition to secondary school and college, career choice and employment, guides for parents, assistive technology, research, infographics and more.
What support may they give me?
One on one or group discovery sessions
Where are they located?
Nationwide online
How are they funded?
Private Contractor
Careers Portal
What does the organisation do?
Selected Colleges Nationwide Student supports, going to college, and third level supports.
What support may they give me?
Online Resources
Where are they located?
How are they funded?
Private Contractor
CYPSC Children and Young People's Services Committees
What does the organisation do?
Child and Young People’s Services Committees or CYPSCs (sometimes called sip-sees) are committees that work in each county to bring together the main government, community and voluntary providers of services to children and young people (0-24 years). Service providers involved are encouraged and supported to work better together, to get the best out of the resources available.
What support may they give me?
Online local directories of services and suppports for children and young people. The directories currently available are listed below, click the directory title for local services information. Several more directories are in development and will be added when complete.
Directory of Disability Services in Co. Donegal
Dun Laoghaire Rathdown Directory of Services
Kerry Children’s Services Directory of Services
Sligo Leitrim Directory of Services
Waterford Directory of Services
Where are they located?
How are they funded?
CYPSC are supported by the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth.
Education and Training Boards (ETBs)
What does the organisation do?
ETBs manage and operate further education colleges and a range of adult and further education centres
What support may they give me?
They deliver education and training programmes including self discovery and future planning.
Where are they located?
There are 16 ETBs in Ireland.
How are they funded?
Funded by the Department of Education
What does the organisation do?
An Irish non-governmental organisation (NGO) that works to bring Government and private and philanthropic funders together to develop better ways to support disadvantaged people to live full lives in their communities.
What support may they give me?
Genio has provided support to us by way of funding and leadership, helping to continuously develop and strengthen our Direct Payments model.
Where are they located?
How are they funded?
Funded by Government
What does the organisation do?
Is a single point of contact for all employment and income supports
What support may they give me?
Provides a dedicated Case Officer to help a person focus on individual needs and conducts a review of personal development opportunities.
Where are they located?
There are 125 Intreo centres located across the country.
How are they funded?
Funded by the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection (DEASP).
Local Development Companies (LDCs)
What does the organisation do?
Deliver the Social Inclusion Community Activation Programme (SICAP)
What support may they give me?
Provides funding for community support programmes
Where are they located?
Over 180 different programmes being operated by LDCs
How are they funded?
Funded by
What does the organisation do?
Provides funding for support services
What support may they give me?
28 programmes in the areas of Social Inclusion and Equality.
Where are they located?
Located Nationwide
How are they funded?
Funded by the Department of Rural and Community Development, Department of Children and Youth Affairs, Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection, as well as the Department of Health/HSE and a number of EU bodies.
What does the organisation do?
An independent charity helping with literacy
What support may they give me?
Access to literacy and numeracy learning opportunities
Where are they located?
How are they funded?
Co-funded by the Irish Government and the European Social Fund (ESF) as part of the ESF Programme for Employability, Inclusion and Learning 2014-2020
National Council of Special Education (NCSE)
What does the organisation do?
Educational Supports for People with Disability
What support may they give me?
Post Graduate Options Guide
Where are they located?
Nationwide (Special Education Needs Organiser
How are they funded?
Funded by the Department of Education
Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme (SICAP)
What does the organisation do?
Provides funding to address social exclusion
What support may they give me?
Community development programming to improve people’s lives.
Where are they located?
How are they funded?
Co-funded by the Government of Ireland and the European Social Fund
United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Living in the Community, Article 19
States Parties to the present Convention recognize the equal right of all persons with disabilities to live in the community, with choices equal to others, and shall take effective and appropriate measures to facilitate full enjoyment by persons with disabilities of this right and their full inclusion and participation in the community