Video: Community Supports for Young People with an Intellectual Disability

A presentation by the Muiriosa Foundation, a HSE funded service, on the day service policy  New Directions and how their service provides support for a person living in the community. Avril Webster, parent and active member of the newly formed Inclusive Living Network, talks about an alternative vision for life in the community.

The 2021 -22 Post-school Community Supports Directory, listing resources, supports, and services available in Ireland, is provided below. Click on each organisation logo to be taken to the website of the organisation, for more information on each of the supports listed.

Future Planning 2021/22 - Community Supports Directory

What does the organisation do?

Supports inclusive environments in education and employment for people with disabilities.

What support may they give me?

Online resources and practical supports.

Where are they located?


How are they funded?

Department of Education

Clan Beo

What does the organisation do?

Offers an alternative vision for a valued life in communities.

What support may they offer me?

Online and in person family supports.

Where are they located? 

Located in County Mayo.

Citizens Information

What does the organisation do?

Provide current entitlement information.

What support may they give me?

Offer a guide to entitlements for people with disability. 

Where are they located?


How are they funded?

Government funded.

Delta Centre

What does the organisation do?
The name Delta stands for development, education, learning, training, and activation.

What support may they give me?
Individuals can avail of services which include rehabilitation, training, numeracy and literacy, catering, horticulture, education, or work experience.

Where are they located?
Located in Carlow.

How are they funded?

Multiple Funding Sources

Disability Federation of Ireland

What does the organisation do?

DFI works to ensure that changes are made in Ireland that would mean equality for people with disabilities.

What support may they give me?

Advocacy and support.

Where are they located?


How are they funded?

Development Funds & Government


What does the organisation do?
Provides community-based recovery-orientated programmes for adults who experience mental health difficulties, intellectual difficulties, Asperger’s Syndrome, and Physical and Sensory disabilities.

What support may they give me?
Support people become active citizens in their local communities by promoting health, wellbeing, learning, and social inclusion.

Where are they located?
In 20 locations across the HSE Community Healthcare Areas 6, 7, and 9.

How are they funded?

HSE Funded.

Family Carers Ireland

What does the organsation do?

Family Carers Ireland share a vision of an Ireland in which family carers are properly recognised, supported and empowered.

What support may they give me?

Highlights the contribution of family carers to Irish society and offers supports and campaigns to improve the lives of family carers throughout the country.

Where are they located?



What does the organisation do?
Son and father Fionn and Jonathan Angus who have developed a supported independent living path through self-directed funding and bespoke employment through creating a social enterprise.

What support may they give me?
Exists to have fun and change the world, to trouble your understanding of ability, to reveal superstars in our midst, and to prove that, in fact, we are the people we’ve been waiting for.

Where are they located?
Based in Galway & Clare. Nationwide and international consultants to individuals, families and the social care sector (students, professionals, agencies)

How are they funded?

Funded through various grants and earned income.

HSE Disability Services - Community and Social Care

What does the organisation do?

Provides and funds a range of services for people with disabilities and their carers.

What support may they give me?

Services include basic health services as well as assessment, rehabilitation, income maintenance, community care and residential care respite, home care and daycare. Services are provided directly by the HSE and voluntary organisations with grant aid from the HSE.

Where are they located?


How are they funded?

Government funded.


What does the organisation do?

Part of the HSE, New Directions is the HSE’s approach to supporting adults with disabilities who use day services in Ireland. New Directions sets out twelve supports that should be available to people with disabilities using ‘day services’.

What support may they give me?

New Directions proposes that ‘day services’ should take the form of individualised, outcome-focussed supports to allow adults using those services to live a life of their choosing in accordance with their own wishes, needs and aspirations. There is a structure set up within the nine HSE Community Healthcare Organisations (CHO) nationally to implement New Directions.

Where are they located?


How are they funded?

Government funded.

HSE Personal Budgets

What does the organisation do?

A personalised budget is an amount of funding that a person with a disability may be considered for by the HSE.

What support may they give me?

If a person qualifies for a Personalised Budget they can make their own arrangements to meet their support needs, instead of having their needs met directly for them by the HSE and HSE funded services providers. People with disabilities currently in receipt of HSE funded services can apply for a personalised budget if they so choose or they can choose to continue with their traditional services from the HSE or a HSE funded service provider.

Where are they located?


How are they funded?

Government funding.

Inclusion Ireland

What does the organisation do?

People with an intellectual disability are at the heart of everything Inclusion Ireland does. We are Rights-based. We champion the human rights of people with an intellectual disability. Our work is informed by our members’ views and life experiences and by research. We support our members to take part in decisions that are about them.  We campaign for change when we see things that are not fair. We work in partnership with others to build a more inclusive Ireland.

What support may Inclusion Irreland give me?

  • We provide information and advice and advocacy support.
  • We produce information leaflets and booklets
  • We share information through our newsletters, website, and social media.
  • We deliver information & training talks
  • We take part in research and consultation to inform our work.
  • We produce reports, submissions, and annual reviews to inform decision making, policy and law.
  • We bring people together, to talk about what equality and rights mean to them, share their experiences, and find ways to promote equality and human rights in communities and services around the country.
  • We organise seminars and conferences
  • We include and support our members in all the work we do
  • We are members of Inclusion International & Inclusion Europe.

Where is Inclusion Ireland located?

Dublin, Cork, Sligo and Tullamore.

How are we funded?

HSE & Grant Funded

Inclusive Living Network

What does the organisation do?

The Inclusive Living Network (‘the Network’) is a unique network of individuals, families and agencies who are passionate and committed to promoting, enabling and demonstrating self-determined and inclusive lives for people who are labelled as having a disability.

What support may they give me?

Advocacy and support.

Where are they located?


How are they funded?


Independent Living Movement of Ireland

What does the organisation do?

The organisation works collectively to create an Independent Living Movement in Ireland led by disabled people, promoting a rights-based social model of disability, challenging a charity/medical view of disability.

What support may they give me?

The group work together towards the removal of societal barriers that prevent active equal participation of disabled people, challenging the denial of people’s rights and the promotion of the philosophy of Independent Living.

Where are they located?


How are they funded?

Funded by the European Union Horizon Community Initiative.


What does the organisation do?
Began in 2014 by a group of parents of adults with intellectual disability who were seeking an alternative to traditional post-secondary institutional settings

What support may they give me?
Inspired provides education, employment opportunities, and community participation opportunities for adults with learning disabilities.

Where are they located?
Located in County Kerry.

How are they funded?

Initially, the organisation was funded entirely from the fundraising initiatives of the parents; now it is part-funded by the European Social Fund and the Health Service Executive.

Irish Wheelchair Association

What does the organisation do?

Irish Wheelchair Association is a community of people with physical disabilities across Ireland founded on the belief that everyone should be able to live a life of choice and equality.

What support may they give me?

Their services support people with physical disabilities to live independently and their campaigns demand equal rights and opportunities for people with physical abilities.

Where are they located?


How are they funded?

Registered charity.


What does the organisation do?

Leap assists families to focus on inclusion and the importance of relationships, belonging and valued social roles.

What support may they give me?

Leap develops the leadership of families so that they can raise expectations of what is possible in the lives of people with disabilities.

Where are they located?


How are they funded?

Not for Profit, funded through various grants and earned income.

National Advocacy Service

What does the organisation do?

The National Advocacy Service (NAS) is an organisation which helps adults with disabilities. If you have a disability, like a physical or intellectual disability  staff could NAS staff can help you with an issue you are having.

What support may they give me?

NAS provides a free and confidential advocacy service to adults with a disability, aged 18 years and over. NAS has a particular remit to work with people with disabilities who are in vulnerable situations, such as people who are isolated from their community of choice or mainstream society, people who may communicate differently and people who have limited formal or natural supports.

Where are they located?


How are they funded?

Government funded.

National Disability Authority

What does the organisation do?

the NDA is the independent statutory body that provides information and advice to the Government on policy and practice relevant to the lives of persons with disabilities. They have a role to assist the Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth in the co-ordination of disability policy. The NDA work through their Centre for Excellence in Universal Design to promote the universal design of the built environment, products, services and information and communication technologies so that they can be easily accessed and used by everyone, regardless of age, size, ability or disability.

What support may they give me?

Online and in person support in understanding of disability policy and Universal Design.

Where are they located?


How are they funded?

Governnment funded.

National Platform of Self Advocates

What does the organisation do?

The National Platform of Self Advocates is an independent organisation run by people with intellectual disabilities for people with intellectual disabilities. It is a membership organisation with an elected steering committee working on its strategic plan. The group is founded on the right of people with intellectual disabilities to be included as equal citizens with rights as outlined in the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

What support may they give me?

The Platform aims to be the nationally recognised spokes organisation on policy and issues affecting the lives of people with intellectual disabilities. It aims to be involved, through representation by its members, in local and national policy making groups.

Where are they located?


How are they funded?

Grant funded.

Patient Advocacy Service

What does the organisation do?

The Patient Advocacy Service is an independent, free and confidential advocacy service.

What support may they give me?

The Patient Advocacy Service provides information and support to people who want to make a formal complaint through the HSE ‘Your Service, Your Say’ complaints policy about the care they have experienced in a HSE-funded public acute hospital.

Where are they located?


How are they funded?

Government funded.  The Patient Advocacy Service is fully independent of the HSE, and receives no funding from the HSE.

Possiblities Plus

What does the organisation do?

Possibilities Plus helps people with a disability identify their skills, gifts and contributions and use resources available to them to develop valued social roles and create a good life.

What support may they give me?

Capacity building and support to access individualised funding.

Where are they located?

Kildare based, nationwide.

How are they funded?

Funded by Genio, also supported by other partner organisations.

Train for Success

What does the organisation do?
Confidence coach and trainer for people with intellectual disability.

What support may they give me?
Help people with an intellectual disability to sort things out.

Where are they located?
Found in Lucan, Dublin, Ireland.

How are they funded?</br /> Private consultation.

Volunteer Ireland

What does the organisation do?

A national volunteer development organisation and a support body for all local Volunteer Centres and Volunteering Information Services in Ireland.

What support may they give me?

Volunteer Ireland work to support, promote and celebrate volunteering.?

Where are they located?


How are they funded?

Government funded.

Youth Advocates Programmes Ireland

What does the organisation do?

Youth Advocates Programmes Ireland provide community-based, strengths-focused, inclusive, flexible services empowering young people and their familites to achieve their own goals,being able to access supports that are based on their needs in their community.

What support may they give me?

The organisation provides specific disability supports.

Where are they located?


How are they funded?

Funded by HSE, TUSLA and the Irish Youth Justice Service.