Inclusion Ireland Annual Report 2023

Our Annual Report of 2023 details our efforts and achievements in promoting the inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities. Here’s a summary of the report’s key sections:

1. About Us:

  • Focus on advocating for the rights of people with intellectual disabilities and promoting their inclusion in Irish society.
  • We aligns our work with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities (UNCRPD).


2. Values:

  • Respect, inclusion, equality, voice, and choice are the core values guiding their mission.


3. Membership:

  • Membership increased significantly in 2023, with one-third of members being people with intellectual disabilities.


4. Messages from Leadership:

  • CEO, Derval McDonagh: Emphasized the new strategic plan, campaigns for inclusive employment, and plans for improving educational inclusion in 2024.
  • Chairperson, Ashley Sands: Highlighted the board’s efforts to review and support the strategic plan, and plans for improved governance and diversity in 2024.


5. Board of Directors:

  • Described the board’s composition, sub-committees, and commitment to inclusive governance.


6. Strategic Plan 2023-2026:

  • Three main goals: Campaigning for change, promoting accessible communication, and supporting self-advocacy and participation.


7. Campaigns in 2023:

  • Budget 2024 Submission: Advocated for a permanent cost of disability payment and increased disability allowance.
  • Housing: Worked on the National Housing Strategy for Disabled People and supported the de-congregation of institutional living.
  • Employment: Addressed the underrepresentation of people with intellectual disabilities in the workforce and launched the Employment Code of Practice and a related podcast.
  • Education: Contributed to the review of the Education for Persons with Special Educational Needs Act and released a report on inclusive education.
  • Seclusion and Restraint: Campaigned against the use of seclusion and restraint in schools.


8. Self-Advocacy and Participation:

  • Highlighted the roles of self-advocates in public forums, advocacy training, and projects.
  • Stories from self-advocates that underscored the impact of Inclusion Ireland’s support.


9. Accessible Communication:

  • Our focus on making information accessible and improving communication practices.
  • Accessible documents we have developed and reviewed with other organisations.


10. Finances:

  • Details of income sources and expenditure for 2023, noting the main funders and project costs.
  • Summarised the organisation’s financial health and compliance with financial reporting standards.


11. Acknowledgements and Partners:

  • We express our gratitude to members, funders, and partners who supported Inclusion Ireland’s mission in 2023.


This report illustrates our approach to advocacy, policy influence, and direct support for people with intellectual disabilities, ensuring their voices are heard and their rights respected.

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